Saturday 2 November 2013

A Prayer Wheel Containing All Scriptures

Yet another interesting non-Vajra Recitation post. Someone asked me how should a prayer wheel that would contain all the scriptures be designed. I thought for a while and came up with a design idea.

Since it's quite implausible to gather all the scriptures and sacred texts of Buddhism from all traditions into a single prayer wheel or a set of prayer wheels due to constraints of physical resources and maybe technology as well, I have thought of a simple way around it that would allow traditional prayer wheel of all shapes and sizes to contain the essence of all scriptures, sacred texts and meanings of Buddhism into a small package.

The seed syllable of AH represents the enlightened mind in it's primordial state and represents Prajnaparamita which is the manifestation of all the Buddha's wisdom mind. It is from this wisdom mind of all Buddhas that all the different methods and skillful means are developed to train the minds of all beings of the six samsaric realms.

All scriptures and sacred texts are the written or oral form of these skillful means and methods in an attempt to liberate all sentient beings who possess different afflictions and different karmic conditions. The AH syllable which is the Mother of All Buddhas in the personified form of the Buddha Mother Prajnaparamita and the essence of Vajrayogini herself is the one single syllable that reveals the unnoticed Buddha's wisdom mind in oneself and others and the source of all sutras, tantras and sacred works.

If one wants to condense all the sutras, tantras and sacred works of the three times into the scrolls of prayer wheels or onto the prayer wheels as decoration, it would be this AH syllable that will represent it.

One could draw the AH syllable within a beautiful candle flame surrounded by a rainbow halo which represents the mind's nature.

So, the answer to a prayer wheel containing all these sacred works is the printing and decorating of the AH syllable.

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